Drop off by arrangement – collection by 12 (collection after 12 may be charged for the full day)
Private bedroom with futon and comfy beds to choose from
Evening walk (weather dependant)
Meals at a time they are accustomed to
Full access to large garden with two sand pits, ball pit, splash tub, trampoline, multiple beds and leather couch and a radio
Home comforts – leather couches and tv for lazy bones to relax
Homemade tasty treats (if allowed) so lovely smells come from the kitchen
£28.50 per dog per night
*please note a deposit is required to book the dates requested
Open 7.00am until 7.00pm times can be changed for a more bespoke service
Daycare usually closed at weekends
Daycare is for fun and socialising, making friends and relaxing
Facilities same as hotel – places to sleep, play and lovely smells to sniff
Breakfast / lunch can be given if food is provided
£19 per dog per day up to 10 hours
£16 per dog per day up to 4 hours
*Please check cancellation policy
Dogs must be fully vaccinated with annual booster and kennel cough
A deposit required prior to stay
preferably neutered by 1 year old
Provide emergency details and vets contact number. Pet insurance is recommended
Registration form must be completed prior to the stay/day care